888-373-7888 or Text: BeFree (233373)
800-989-6884 or text: 512-872-5777
TEXT "Safe" and location to 4HELP (44357), 972-303-5303, or any DART bus/train
Our nonprofit serves clients who lack health insurance or whose health insurance doesn’t provide adequate mental health benefits. These clients also cannot afford current market rates for therapy (between $80-200 a session). We help our members access their choice of affordable in-person or online care from a vetted mental health professional. Please visit our client information page to learn more.
With numerous locations throughout the Dallas - Fort Worth area, outpatient programs, and tele-health options, we offer comprehensive mental health services accessible to everyone.
The Irving Family Advocacy Center (FAC) functions in partnership with the City of Irving to provide free counseling services to the city’s youth and families.
(972) 721-6560
Our mission is to assist veterans with the array of issues they may face, including obtaining proper disability compensation, financial assistance, information on the GI bill, and more.
VA Disability Calculator
Financial abuse occurs in up to 98% of abusive relationships and is one of the top reasons that it is difficult for people to leave. Unfortunately, many people do not even recognize financial abuse as abuse. To address this prevalent issue and provide the necessary education on this topic, Annuity.org recently created a guide covering this issue, check out the links below: